Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Brand Of Rollerblades

dream ... Going through documentaries in kindergarten ...

Some children have trouble going into the stories, they listen carefully master or mistress to tell them fairy tales. It is important that the writing makes sense for them as we help each Documentary useful to touch them more easily.
Some titles:

in the collection My very first discoveries Gallimard, we will explore over the board pages and images soft and precise world of the very small: on the farm (well, even when farm dwellers), go!, The Toolbox (one of my favorites), The Weather, My body, My day (...) These little books very light and strong Anne Guttman and Matthieu Roussel agreed upon two years (11 €)

first traffic
, Dedieu (Seuil), hangs in the real here are the signs of traffic. A small red car round and through this book with a two-page panel by explaining the situation and a small comment bubble. A very good track in my opinion for a first reading environment for children, access to the symbol supported by the black lines and bright colors that Thierry Dedieu has chosen. (12.50 €)

What animals eat? Gallimard my all-first discoveries also offers a collection and removable cardboard toddlers on page left a question and answer in colored bubbles on the right page illustration of the answer hidden under a piece of the puzzle is the question in a tangible form very interesting. (Later, you can watch The Book of Why by Martine Laffon (threshold) in this spirit). This documentary but are illustrated above and developed the propensity of toddlers to ask questions.
In class, the puzzle pieces integrated with books can be a problem, the opportunity to go see how English schools settle the question puzzles and games using transparent zippered pockets (I'm looking for in France without success ...)

Who owns those eyes that glow in the night? Who let these fine tracks resembling those of a dog? The Fox Sylvaine Perols uses the methods of collection My first discoveries Gallimard, small size, binding and transparent spiralaire to describe the life of the fox, its habitat, its golden eyes, his food, how they hunt . Effective and beautiful.

Speaking of true stories, the Natural Sciences are back Tatsu Nagata, alias Thierry Dedieu (Threshold) albums collection humorous and knowledgeable. Last appeared: lice. The paradox of these albums is the use of metaphor and humor to describe phenomena accurately. You either love or hate it or, like me. Professor Tatsu Nagata explains thus: "To find lice, there just follow the signs." This course panels "School", warning of large reserves of these horrible critters opportunistic. Thierry Dedieu lice through all the colors, the hooks become cutlasses to launch a head to another. Days of idleness he hangs his hammock between two hairs to enjoy the heat, the moonlight nights it sucks the blood of his victims. This horrible then has no predators except Mom. Hence the fall very fun album.

And finally, my favorite ...
- What's that thing wireless, connection, without electricity, down?
- This is a book, just turn the pages and you can end up anywhere, anytime, even on Treasure Island with Long John Silver ... and when it is finished, we can go out and get another one at the library. Unbelievable.
is a book, a very beautiful album, Lane Smith, concise, punchy, graphic and soft to the touch ... Gallimard Jeunesse (11 €)

is a book - Lane Smith
sent GallimardJeunesse . - Watch more shorts.


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